Beauty & Hair
Hair care
Hair Loss - The war is not lost, revitalisation is the key word
The hair is produced in the hair follicle, which is independent and goes through the growth cycle at different times, otherwise all the hair would fall out at once and it would not be possible to maintain a visible capillary density.
The hair life cycle has three stages: the anagen, catagen, and telogen.
In the first stage, the hair follicle grows 1 cm per month for a period of 1 to 7 years. During this stage, the hair root is dilated and deeply embedded into the dermis, filling up the hair follicle.
A transition period, known as the catagen...
Beauty & Hair
Hair care
Dandruff - Nothing that a good shampoo won’t solve
Dandruff is a common skin condition that affects mainly the scalp. Symptoms are peeling of the skin and, in some cases, mild itching. Although it is not a serious health issue, it can be cause discomfort and, in some cases, it can be difficult to man...
Beauty & Hair
Wrinkles are natural. But seriously, who likes them?
Aging is a natural process that leads to the appearance of physiological changes in the skin surface. Wrinkles are one of those changes. In an ageing skin, there is a decrease in the dermis and epidermis thickness, which also lose their underlyin...
Beauty & Hair
Pamper yourself, you'll love it!
To stay healthy with a perfect skin and face, luminoushair,and good energy, you need to take care of yourself!
Acquire some daily beauty routines and remember: your ultimate weapon to success is to maintain consistency.
Beauty & Hair
Body care
Cellulite - Myths and facts
Cellulite is a reality for many women. We all know what it looks like, but there are still myths that need to be debunked.
Beauty & Hair
Body care
Flaccidity - Against the law of gravity
Flaccidity is a slow and progressive process that results from tissue atrophy (muscle or skin) and is associated with physiological ageing; there is progressive loss of muscle mass that is replaced by adipose tissue and consequent loss of firmness.
Beauty & Hair