Cookies policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that websites place on the computers and mobile devices of people who visit the website.

These files collect a set of information about your site navigation and are used to facilitate your user experience and make it simpler, and do not damage your computer.


What are cookies used for?

The information collected by our cookies or third-party cookies translates into session variables and usage patterns and has as main objective the adaptation of the site to the interests of our users and identify the user during the session.

This information is for the sole purpose of enabling and improving the technical performance of the Site and its user experience.


What kind of cookies are being used?

The cookies on this site are used for, namely:

  • Analytical Cookies - to provide anonymous statistical data regarding the use of sites, such as the websites they come from, the pages visited, the number of visitors, and the software used by the customer.
  • Functional cookies - retain user preferences for site usage, so you do not need to reconfigure the site each time you visit.
  • Session cookies - These are temporary "cookies" that remain in your browser´s "cookies" folder until you leave the Web page, none of which is registered to the user´s disk drive. The information obtained through these cookies serves to analyze types of traffic on the site, thus offering a better browsing experience, improved content availability and greater ease of use.


Does this Site use cookies for other purposes?

No. The used cookies do not store any personal information of the users, considered sensitive. Likewise, we also do not use cookies to direct advertising to our users, either for their own advertising or for advertising purposes.

However we use third party cookies, namely Google that allow us to statistically analyze the use of the site and store information related to the user´s behavior in order to know browsing habits and eventually to show you advertising related to your browsing profile.


Who has access to information stored in cookies?

The information stored by our cookies is used exclusively by the user while browsing the site and is deleted when the user logs off the Internet browser.

The information stored by third-party cookies, namely by Google, is transmitted and stored by Google Inc. (a company in the United States of America), so we suggest you consult the Google Analytics privacy page,


Is it possible to disable the use of cookies?

Yes, cookies can be deactivated in your browser. However, in carrying out this action, it fails to contribute to the continuous improvement that we always want to offer our customers and some features may no longer be accessible.

To block or delete cookies, you can do so by modifying your browser settings in the "Preferences" or "Tools" menu. For details on configuring cookies, see the "Help" menu in your browser.

In the following links you can find more detailed information on how to configure or disable cookies in each browser: