The nutritional power of mushrooms

Although they are classified as vegetables, mushrooms belong to the fungi group. In Portugal the regions of Trás-os-Montes, Beira Litoral, Ribatejo and Oeste stand out as producers of mushrooms.

Main types produced in Portugal
- white mushroom (also known as champignon de Paris)
- shiitake (black mushroom from Japan)
- brown mushroom
- wild mushroom

Mushrooms are an excellent food
From a nutritional point of view, the low caloric value (around 20-30 kcal/100g) and the low quantity of fat (0.1-0.5 g/100g) should be highlighted. On the other hand, they contain an interesting protein value for a non-animal source, standing out the white mushrooms (3g protein/100g). This, and the fact that they contain several essential amino acids, makes mushrooms an excellent food for vegetarians.
They also contain some fiber content (namely hemicelluloses and pectins), especially the Shitake mushrooms (2.5g fiber/100g) and considerable amounts of vitamins, minerals and substances with antioxidant characteristics.

Rich in micronutrients
- Good source of B-complex vitamins, namely riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3) and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5);
- They provide very appreciable quantities of potassium, a mineral of great importance in regulating blood pressure, reducing the risk of kidney disease, coronary disease and which may probably play an important role in improving the health status of diabetic patients;
- Good source of phosphorus, selenium and copper. The role of selenium should be highlighted (100g of mushrooms provide almost half of the daily needs of this nutrient) and its structural and enzymatic functions in the organism, particularly as an antioxidant, catalyst of the hormone production and necessary for the good functioning of the immune system.

Rich in bioactive substances
- Polyphenols;
- Terpenoids;
- Sesquiterpenes;
- Lactones;
- Chelating agents;
- Polysaccharides and
- Glycoproteins
Some of these substances have a high anti-oxidant capacity and are capable of stimulating the body's immunological reactions and cellular anti-inflammatory respons.
Wild mushrooms are practically the only non-animal food source providing Vitamin D.


Hamburger in the bun (only-what-not)
- 2 large Portobello mushrooms
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 2 sprigs fresh thyme
- 1 Hamburger Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
- 1 Babybel Light Cheese
- 3 Cherry tomatoes
- Rocket arugula qb
- Preheat the oven to 180cc.
- Peel the mushrooms carefully, season them with olive oil, thyme, salt and pepper.
- Roast them for about 15min or until cooked but textured.
- Grill the burgers in a non-stick pan.
- Assemble the burgers, placing some arugula on top of a mushroom, followed by a burger, the cheese and another mushroom.

Sandwiches with Mushrooms
- 2 portobello mushrooms
- 2 slices of cheese
- 1 dessert spoon of pesto sauce
- 2 tomato slices
- spinachs
- Brush the mushroom that will be on the bottom with pesto sauce so that it does not stick to the grill.
- Then assemble it like a sandwich.
- Place the cheese slices, tomatoes and spinach and cover with the other mushroom also brushed with pesto.
- Place on a grill or sandwich maker and wait.
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