Body care
After Summer - Like-new skin

After the summer, you need to recover skin from the marks left by the sun, giving it back its lost softness.
(In)visible marks
Summer is synonymous with good weather, holidays and pleasure. But the same sun that provides those moments also causes damage to the skin, as it is more exposed to the sun..

Sunburn (scalding) is the most visible result of this damage, but there are others that are only discovered after the summer. The sun's rays leave skin dry, dehydrated and flaky, while marking the face and other areas of the body with spots that indicate premature ageing.
The good news is that it is possible to enjoy the best of the sun without running these risks. The prevention involves a progressive and moderate exposure to the sun and the use of sunscreen suitable for the type of skin and effective against UVA and UVB. When it comes to healthy skin, prevention is better than cure!

For renewed skin…
Sun, sea water and chlorine from the swimming pool - these are just some of the aggressions that the skin is subjected to in summer and that leave it looking less healthy: it becomes rough, dry, sometimes blotchy, dull and loses elasticity.

To give you back your lost softness:
Exfoliate: to remove dead cells that build up on the surface and achieve more even skin. At the same time it stimulates the skin's natural renewal;
Hydrate: after renewed skin needs to be "fed": this is the function of moisturizing and emollient products, besides promoting a longer-lasting tan. Use a moisturizer adapted to your skin type, you can opt for specific products for after sun exposure (the known after-sun products), applying generously at least once a day.

Keep Spots at a Distance
The effects of the sun are also evident through the so-called hyperpigmentation spots and signs of photoaging of the skin. They are caused by excessive pigmentation (colouration) of the skin, due to the intense action of radiation on melanin (substance that gives colour to the skin and protects it from solar radiation):

If there are no changes in colour, size, shape, symmetry, both the signs of photo-ageing and the hyperpigmentation spots are harmless, but aesthetically undesirable, since they reveal the premature ageing of the skin. However, it is possible to reduce them: there are depigmenting products that act on melanin, reducing its production and eliminating the excess, which corrects the spots, leaving the skin lighter and preventing new spots.
But it is necessary to be persistent: spots do not appear suddenly and do not disappear overnight.

Mask of pregnancy
Many pregnant women's skin, especially facial skin, suffers from so-called “Mask of pregnancy" (or chloasma): these are spots that result from the joint action of hormones and solar radiation. So, if you are pregnant, protect yourself even more from the sun: use and abuse of sunscreen on your whole body, but especially on your face!
Farmácia Distribuição Magazine
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