Family Pharmacy


Vulva and Vagina Rejuvenation

Family Pharmacy

The vagina and vulva also age. The good news is that today medicine allows us to combat the signs of time in any area of the body covered by skin - and a woman's intimate area is no exception.

Menopause and vaginal and vulvar aging
Menopause and vaginal and vulvar aging

Vaginal and vulvar ageing

In women, the effects of ageing become more marked especially after the menopause, and not only affect the most exposed areas of the skin, such as the face, the neck or the hands. 

The vagina and vulva also age. They undergo changes in texture, colour, shape, hairiness, elasticity, lubrication and even smell.

A reality that may bring with it various and quite negative consequences. These alterations lead to complaints such as vulvar and vaginal dryness, itching, opportunistic infections, pain during penetration and involuntary loss of urine, compromising the woman's self-esteem and damaging her intimate and social relationships.

Medicine and rejuvenation of the vulva and vagina
Medicine and rejuvenation of the vulva and vagina

The possibilities of medicine in rejuvenating the vulva and vagina

The vulva can be aesthetically treated like any other area of the body covered by skin and can be rejuvenated. The vagina can also be intervened in the sense of rejuvenation. With the objective of giving the intimate area of the woman a more youthful appearance and optimising its function, it is possible today to resort to different types of intervention: 

  • Vulva rejuvenation
    Change in colouration; change in hair distribution, filling of the labia majora (contrary to the atrophy that appears with age), etc.
  • Vaginal rejuvenation
    Improvement of elasticity and lubrication, promoting the remodelling of collagen fibres; activation of natural humidification mechanisms; improvement of the protective vaginal ecosystem against unwanted infections..

In the scope of action of aesthetic and/or reconstructive medicine, these include:

  • Labioplasty or nymphoplasty (reduction of the size of the labia minora);
  • Perineoplasty (reconstruction of the vaginal introitus, making it tighter);
  • Vaginoplasty (reconstruction of the anterior and/or posterior vaginal wall with reduction of excess tissue).

Methods for rejuvenating the vulva and vagina
Methods for rejuvenating the vulva and vagina

The methods used in the rejuvenation of the vulva and vagina

Rejuvenation treatments for the female genitalia may include the use of: 

  • Hormone therapy (hormone replacement therapy);
  • Application of biological substances such as botulinum toxin or growth factors;
  • Use of chemical substances such as hyaluronic acid;
  • Harnessing the therapeutic properties of light through the use of laser devices.

They are 30-minute treatments, non-invasive, painless and carried out in a consultation environment, with no need for prior preparation or convalescence time.

Use of Laser Devices
Use of Laser Devices

The laser is used as a heat source in order to induce the remodelling and the rejuvenation of the collagen fibres of the genital tissues, leading to the recovery of their normal functions such as lubrication, elasticity, texture and colouring.

In the case of vaginal treatments, the instrument that releases the light is introduced into the vagina through a speculum and, in the interventions of the vulva, the application is done externally - always being the power and the way of releasing the light defined according to the desired effect.

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