And everything the weight took

Losing weight presupposes a change in eating habits, physical exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy weight has several benefits for the body, such as helping to prevent diseases, regulating the intestinal flora, or even controlling blood sugar levels.
Excess weight results from an imbalance between calory intake and the number of calories that the body burns every day.
Some people, influenced by unrealistic standards of beauty, end up falling for fad diets that are harmful to their health or to the use of drugs, without the help of a health professional.
Losing weight abruptly puts your health at risk, the loss of muscle mass is high, and it is more difficult to maintain the desired results. A well-defined diet plan must not be interrupted and old habits must be given up in order to maintain the right weight.

Weight loss involves changing behaviours. It is a demanding task, which involves :
- Determination - the individual attitude with the support of friends and family is of utmost importance
- Making lifestyle changes a priority - changing habits requires time, availability, and effort
- Defining a plan - setting realistic and gradual goals, so that the absence of results does not lead to giving up.

Rules for losing weight in a healthy way
Drink water (> or = 1.5L) or unsweetened teas and avoid soft drinks;
Moderate alcohol consumption;
Start meals with soup or salad;
Eat fibre rich foods and preferably whole grains (e.g. bread, cereals, rice, and pasta), more vegetables and fruit and opt for poultry and fish;
Reduce the intake of saturated and hydrogenated fats (e.g. butter, margarine, oils, sauces, high-fat dairy products, pizza, hamburgers);
Reduce the intake of fast-absorbing sugars (e.g. cakes, cookies, ice cream);
Reduce the consumption of salt (e.g. replace with aromatic herbs);
Cook in a healthy way (e.g. roasted, boiled, or grilled instead of fried foods);
Sit at a table while eating and avoid doing other activities at the same time (e.g. TV, cell phone, driving ...);
Avoid spending many hours without eating and opt for small portions;
Do not serve yourself more than once, what you took the first time is enough - eat slowly and you will feel satisfied;
Do not skip meals, especially breakfast;
Do not use food to control anxiety and stress (e.g. yoga and tai chi);
In order to make a healthy choice of foods, read the nutrition facts label (e.g. fat-free foods are not calory-free);
Make a shopping list, stick to what is really needed and avoid shopping when you are hungry

Physical exercise
Effective and lasting weight loss depends on several factors. In addition to the diet, it is important to promote emotional balance and motivation. The practice of physical exercise is beneficial. In addition to the gym, you can use small tricks to burn calories:
Climb the stairs instead of taking the lift;
Leave the car farther from your workplace or get off one bus stop early;
Take a walk during lunchtime;
Take walks after dinner (30min);
Exercise on a fixed bike while watching television;
Play with your children;
Vacuum clean the house;
Any physical activity is better than no activity. If you are not used to exercising, start slowly.

Sleeping 7 hours a day is essential. Lack of rest prevents the body from producing the necessary amount of serotonin (the hormone of well-being) and dopamine (which increases energy levels). To make up for this flaw, anxiety and cravings for sugary foods will increase, making you devour everything that lies ahead.
Weight loss is not easy and the temptation to give up may arise; contact your pharmacist, he will help you to set goals and meet them.
Farmácia Distribuição Magazine
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